At Professional Publication, we uphold the highest standards of intellectual integrity. Our plagiarism policy aligns with the authorship guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and follows the international definition of plagiarism as outlined by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
Authorship and Responsibility
All authors listed on a manuscript are equally responsible for its intellectual integrity. Upon submission, authors must sign a statement affirming that the manuscript is free from plagiarism. Any borrowed material must be properly referenced to avoid redundancy, duplicate publication, or “salami slicing.”
Plagiarism Detection and Consequences
Each manuscript submitted will undergo plagiarism detection. If plagiarized content is identified, the Editor will request an explanation from the corresponding author within 30 days. Manuscripts will be paused until the issue is resolved. If necessary, the Editor may inform the author’s institution and relevant authorities, including the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.
Response and Action
If the explanation is deemed acceptable, the manuscript may proceed to review after making necessary corrections. Failure to respond or provide a satisfactory explanation will lead to a review by the Plagiarism Committee, potentially resulting in manuscript rejection and possible debarment of the author(s) from future submissions. Debarment may range from a few months to permanent, depending on the severity of the offense.
Withdrawal and Publication
If plagiarism is confirmed in a published article, the article will be withdrawn from the journal’s website. Plagiarism is considered a serious offense, and prompt, unbiased action will be taken.